READING IRELAND IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: 6th International Postgraduate Conference, hosted under the aegis of EFACIS, featuring a plenary session on career building by Dr Deirdre Flynn (Mary Immaculate College, Limerick), Prof. Ondřej Pilný (Charles University / Anglo-American University Prague) and Dr Petra Johana Poncarová (Charles University / University of Glasgow) (22-23 September 2023).
BRENDAN BEHAN AT 100: Legacy and New Directions. Marking the centenary of the birth of Brendan Behan, the conference aimed to reconsider the rich literary legacy of the outstanding author, playwright and rebel. Keynote speakers Professor John Brannigan (UCD) and Dr Deirdre McMahon (radio, TV and film producer and documentary maker). Featuring an evening of music associated with Behan, his work and his life. (23-24 June 2023).
A workshop on Cultural Links between Irish and Scottish Gaelic with public readings by Peter Mackay, Alan Titley and Christopher Whyte (11-12 November 2022).
A summer school of Old and Middle Irish, taught by Dr Ken Ó Donnchú (University College Cork) (20-24 June 2022).
An Irish Studies Workshop delivered by the Centre’s staff at Univerzita Mateja Bela, Slovakia (15 October 2021).
EFACIS 2021: Interfaces and Dialogues (1-4 September 2021)
International Colloquium Minority Languages in a Globalized World (6 March 2020)
International Postgraduate Conference Ireland in Europe (13 September 2019)
The Gate: Alternative Histories, Marignal Identities, Gate Theatre Research Network Expert Meeting (14-15 June 2019)
Samuel Beckett and Technology (13-15 September 2018)
‘Ar an Imeall i Lár an Domhain?’: An tairseachúlacht i litríocht agus i gcultúr na hÉireann agus na hEorpa (14-16 September 2017)
International Postgraduate Conference Influences, Intersections, Interactions (8-9 September 2017)
Metamorphoses: The III International Flann O’Brien Conference (16-19 September 2015)
Irish Theatre and Central Europe, 11th Annual Irish Theatrical Diaspora Conference (September 2014)
International Postgraduate Conference Tradition and Modernity (September 2013)
International Postgraduate Conference Boundary Crossings (16-17 September 2011)
The XXII International James Joyce Symposium was hosted in June 2010.
International Postgraduate Conference The Politics of Irish Writing (September 2009)
The Third Prague International James Joyce Colloquium took place in April 2007.
An International Colloquium on Samuel Beckett (“The Deaths of Writing: Beckett, Author and Avant-texte,” November 2006).
The 2005 annual conference of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL) which brought together over 300 scholars from all over the world to discuss “Ireland as a Global Village.”
The First Prague International James Joyce Colloquium focused on Hypertext and Genetics (September 2003), followed by a second colloquium which took place as part of the 2005 IASIL conference.